New Insurance Association Forms in California

April 5, 2010 by

A new Broker Insurance Group (BIG) has formed in California, starting with a flagship chapter to serve insurance professionals of the Inland Empire area. Under the leadership of President Sharron Varga, a broker and long-serving member of several industry organizations, and owner of Action Shoppe Insurance in Rancho Cucamonga, BIG was formed to provide a voice that represents the common interests of all brokers and agents, she said.

“With a focus on providing tangible opportunities to increase success through information, education and relationship building, BIG has launched an aggressive campaign to bring together the most professional brokers and agents with the carriers and vendors that value their contributions and recognize their importance in California’s insurance marketplace,” the association said.

Varga said BIG started because she was receiving calls from agents and brokers who wanted to more continuing education and networking opportunities in their area.

“We thought we’d have a networking event and 30 to 40 agents and company representatives would come, but at our first gathering, more than 200 people showed up,” she said.

Following that meeting, Varga said she began receiving requests from people asking when the association was going to meet in other parts of California. So, BIG is developing inroads into other markets in Southern California, and will soon expand into Northern California.

Insurance companies have been supportive of the group, she said, because they can use the group’s meetings as opportunities to network with their agents, and agents appreciate that interaction as well.

Thus, there will be two councils — a company council and an agent council — that will serve as the “governing body” to help guide the group’s future.

BIG will be hosting an inaugural Banner Fair in Ontario, Calif., on May 5, in which, current and prospective members can meet the carriers and vendors who support the broker/agent community and take part in opportunities for continuing education, carrier appointments and to discuss the issues most important to their business.

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