Tennessee Eyes Insurance Break for Senior Drivers

March 7, 2010

Legislation that would give senior drivers in Tennessee a discount on their insurance for taking an online driving course is on Gov. Phil Bredesen’s desk awaiting his signature.

The measure, sponsored by Republican Sen. Mike Faulk of Kingsport and supported by the AARP, was approved 96-0 by the House and 31-0 in the Senate.

The AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons, currently offers an 8-hour driving class for its members, but people who live in rural areas sometimes face a challenge finding a location where they can take it. Insurance discounts are currently offered to those who take the class in-person.

Supporters of the bill say offering the course online would not only provide convenience, but also promote safety by allowing seniors to hone their skills.

Patrick Willard, AARP Tennessee’s advocacy director, said it helps them recognize “changes they need to make to their driving habits so that they will be more safe in the future.”

Willard said online courses are now offered in 10 other states.

An independent third party would verify the identity of the person taking the course by asking various questions throughout the 8-hour process. Willard said the questions might come from the person’s registration.

“So there are ways that you can make sure that the person taking the course is the person that should be getting the discount,” he said, adding that the amount of the discount will be up to insurance companies.