By The Numbers

August 17, 2009

If the growth rate of triathlons is any indicator, insurance agents probably have quite a few triathletes among their clients, colleagues and competitors. The sport is experiencing major growth, despite the economic downturn. Participation in the United States is at an all-time high. USA Triathlon (USAT), the sport’s governing body, says it had 115,000 annual members as of early 2009. A decade ago, that number was just over 19,000. Another 280,000 individuals purchased the one-day membership needed to compete in USAT-sanctioned events in 2007, growing from just over 100,000 in 2000. Demographic research suggests triathletes are a pool of individuals that make attractive business partners or customers. Some of the more salient numbers:

921,000: Estimated number of Americans who participated in at least one triathlon in 2006

38: Average age of triathlete

$126,000: Average annual income

4.2: Average number of races the typical triathlete does each year