Hawaii Mandates Fire-Safe Cigarettes

August 21, 2008

Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle has signed into law a bill that requires only fire-safe cigarettes be sold in the state as of Oct. 1, 2009.

State officials say reduced ignition cigarettes burn at a lower temperature, thereby reducing possible fire hazards caused by smoldering cigarettes.

The Hawaii Fire Council reports there were 438 fires caused by cigarettes in Hawaii between 2001 and 2006, causing $1.5 million in property damage and 10 injuries.

Lingle said low ignition cigarettes can help reduce accidental fires, as well as injuries caused by smoldering cigarettes. But she added the cigarettes aren’t guaranteed to be self-extinguishing, so smokers must take responsibility to extinguish cigarettes properly and to ensure lit cigarettes are not left unattended.

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