Mass. auto rates cut 11.7%

December 24, 2006

As expected, auto insurance rates in Massachusetts will be going down again in 2007, this time by as much as 11.7 percent on average statewide.

The new rate takes effect April 1, 2007, and translates to an average decrease of $119.61 per vehicle and a statewide average annual rate of $898.12.

This is the third consecutive year that rates have been cut by Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Julianne M. Bowler. This year’s rate cut saves drivers $479 million and is the largest rate decrease since 1978, according to Bowler. Bowler approved an average 8.7 percent cut for 2006.

Bowler left the agents’ commission dollar amount for 2007 at the same level as 2006 at $121.34 per vehicle, or about 13 percent per policy.