Top 10 Pet Peeves of the Road

June 19, 2006

Following are the top 10 annoying types of drivers on today’s roads.

1. Motor Mouths:

Distracted drivers talking on cell phones.

2. Turtle Racers:

Slow drivers in the fast lane.

3. Piggybackers:

Pushy drivers who tailgate.

4. Wacky Weavers:

Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths.

5. Gap Snatchers:

Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes.

6. Space Invaders:

Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling.

7. Road Ragers:

Road rage.

8. Speed Racers:

Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars.

9. Driving Divas:

Women applying makeup and men shaving.

10. Morse Coders:

Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles.

Source: Hagerty Collector Network.