Insurance-related measures filed in Oklahoma Legislature after Jan. 1, 2006, for 2006 Regular Session

February 5, 2006

HB2375 Insurance; surplus lines

HB2392 Requirements for pharmacy benefits managers

HB2398 Health Insurance Purchasing Groups

HB2584 Health care insurance premiums; law enforcement officials

HB2642 Insurance; prohibiting the use of credit information for certain purposes

HB2649 Insurance; Health Savings Act; definitions; tax


HB2685 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact

HB2757 Maximum lifetime payout limit; Health Insurance High Risk Pool plan

HB2759 Long-Term Care and Health Care Gap Insurance Tax Incentive Act

HB2799 Contracts; designation of a beneficiary for death


HB2800 Insurance; practitioners; expanding certain disclosure requirement

HB2801 Medical Malpractice Premium Fund

HB2813 Animals; modifying liability insurance requirement

HB2869 Insurance; Producer Licensing Act; exemption

HB2876 Health Insurance High Risk Pool; lifetime limit

HB2905 Omnibus insurance reform

HB2908 Insurance; providing for self-evaluative audits

HB2909 Health Insurance High Risk Pool Act

HB2910 Insurance; defining certain terms

HB2934 Insurance; requiring certain documentation

HB2939 Prohibiting state employee health insurance plans from using SSN

HB3014 Insurance; clarifying language; effective date.

HB3021 State government; allowing certain board members to participate in state health plan

HB3036 Insurance coverage; Oklahoma Employer/Employee Partnership for Insurance Coverage

HB3041 Insurance; modifying references; effective date.

HB3044 Insurance; modifying interlocal agreements; effective date.

HB3077 Insurance; clarifying language

HB3093 Insurance; Oklahoma Insurance Act; noncodification; effective date.

HB3115 Motor vehicle insurance; modifying provisions

relating to motor vehicle


HB3118 Insurance; modifying the Service Warranty Insurance Act; effective date.

SB1018 Insurance-prohibit use of credit information to under write or rate risks

SB1026 Insurance policies or certificates options

SB1051 Health benefit plans-require to provide coverage for treatment of morbid obesity

SB1054 Health insurance premiums for retired teachers- Modify

SB1079 Education employees-provide dependent flexible

benefit allowance

SB1095 Insurance-add unfair deceptive act or practice

SB1294 Insurance-expand premium assistance program

SB1354 Flexible benefits plans-state emp.-modify length of time for meeting

notice-incl. time required to attend

SB1369 St. and Ed. Emp. Group Ins. Bd. and Emp. Benefit Council-modify procedures

SB1385 OK Homeowner’s Private Mortgage Insurance Protection Act-create

SB1400 Police Pension and Retire Sys.-provide funds to help pay for ins for retirees and surviving spouses

table continued on page 43
table continued on from page 10

Measure Title

SB1403 Insurance rates-provide for blending for active employees and retirees under 65

SB1445 Motor vehicle insurance carriers-require issuance of decals for windshield

SB1514 Ins-reimbursement of medical assistance-clarify

statutory citation

SB1522 Chiropractors-require equal reimbursement-prohibit higher copayment for visits

SB1536 Health Care Authority to establish pilot program for a health system for the uninsured

SB1601 Flexible benefit allowance – increasing

SB1612 Insurance – reimbursement of medical assistance

SB1650 Compulsory insurance on motor vehicles-require uninsured at fault in accidents to pay deductible

SB1678 Insurance-reimbursement of medical assistance-

clarify statutory citation

SB1735 Fire insurance-delete provision relating to approval authority of Ins Com

SB1751 Insurance compliance self-evaluative audit

SB1778 Dependent life insurance – additional employee


SB1786 State employees-modify flexible benefit allowance

SB1788 Motor vehicles-require additional liability ins after DUI

SB1794 State employee benefits-eliminate annual election for vision plans

SB1828 OK Firefighters Retiree Health Care Fund-create

SB1847 OK Pub. Emp. Retirement System-require actuarial study

SB1848 OK Law Enforcement-modify amount paid for

health ins premiums

SB1859 Teacher’s Retirement System-direct revenue-increase health ins benefit

SB1861 Insurance-clarify statutory reference

SB1879 Insurance – modify definition

SB1907 Insurance coverage for prescription drugs

SB1935 Prohibiting actions by medical liability insurers

SB2030 Insurance-clarify statutory reference

SB2031 Authorize seizure of a motor vehicle for failure to

provide proof of ins coverage

Source: Oklahoma Legislature