Ga. legislative reception garners support

February 5, 2006

Sen. Ralph Hudgens, head of the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee

Tom Knox, chairman of the House of Representatives Insurance Committee

Georgia Legislators, Larry O’Neal, left, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and Rep. Robert Ray.

Support for the insurance industry and desires for less government involvement in an already highly regulated industry were emphasized by featured guests attending the Jan. 10 Seventh Annual Legislative Reception sponsored by the Professional Insurance Agent’s of Georgia in Atlanta. Featured guests included John Oxendine, Ga. Insurance Commissioner; Ralph Hudgens, chairman of the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee; and Tom Knos, chairman of the House of Representative Insurance Com-mittee.

Participants in the reception, including more than 250 legislators, regulators, agents, company representatives and Department of Insurance staff, discussed topics to be considered by the Georgia Legislature and how the insurance industry can work hand-in-hand with legislators to better serve Georgia’s consumers.

So far, only three insurance-related bills have been introduced and assigned to committee. The House Insurance Committee held a Jan. 9 organizational meeting and plans to meet each week. The Senate Insurance and Labor committee has not yet met.

The following legislation is pending:

SB 384: Sen. Ralph Hudgens of the 47th and Sen. Chip Rogers of the 21st, The Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact; to help states join to establish an interstate compact to regulate designated insurance products. (Assigned to the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee)

SB 385: Sen. Hudgens, to authorize investments of insurers in the obligations of certain Canadian cities; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws. (Assigned to Senate Insurance and Labor Committee)

SB 406: Sen. Hudgens and Sen. Mitch Seabaugh, Coweta County, 28th Life settlements, to revise certain definitions; to provide additional grounds for the suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew the license of life insurance producers; to make editorial revisions; to provide for related matters; and to repeal conflicting laws.