Calif. Insurance Wholesalers Association creates grassroots campaign

January 2, 2006

The California Insurance Wholesalers Association has launched a grassroots campaign to help its members have a more active and profound voice at the state legislative level.

According to Mark Maucere, association president, the state’s special election in 2005 proved that the organization had not communicated its message effectively. Through the grassroots campaign, CIWA hopes its members can establish relationships with politicians, so that the association’s messages will be better recognized at the state level.

“Politicians respond to voters in their districts. They keep tallies of the communications they receive regarding pending legislation,” Maucere said in a statement. “It is, therefore, important for all our local Senators and Assembly Members, especially those who sit on the Insurance Committee, to know who we are and what our stand on legislative issues affecting our industry is.”

CIWA said it will be contacting its members to help them make connections with their local legislators.