Table-top TVs, Web access and other trends

January 2, 2006

The National Restaurant Association forecasts the following trends:

  • Restaurants as homes away from home. With growing demand from plugged-in Americans accustomed to operating in a 24/7 society, look for restaurants to bring televisions and wirelesss Internet access to the table.
  • Demand for convenience. Whether they’re looking for a quick drive-through or a hot meal delivered to the car to take home, consumers will escalate their desire for convenience. Watch for more full service restaurants in 2006 to go more aggressively after the takeout and delivery markets.
  • Increased attention to energy efficiency. A majority of operators anticipate higher energy expenses that will eat more of their bottom line next year. A majority have updated refrigeration, A/C and heating systems in the last two years to help contain cost pressures.