PIA of Georgia’s Atlanta Expo Stresses Education

October 17, 2005

The importance of professional education was stressed by John Oxendine, Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner, during the Professional Insurance Agents of Georgia’s ninth annual Education Expo held on in late September in Atlanta. Oxendine, the luncheon keynote speaker, told more than 500 agents attending the event that he was impressed with the growth of the educational expos since their inception nine years ago.

“Not only have the crowds gotten bigger, the increase in the number of agents from the same firm is a clear indication that quality education is the key to success,” Oxendine said. “Programs like CIC, CISR, and those offered
by PIA of Georgia are examples

of the quality of education programs available to our agents and companies.”

“Educational Expos held in Atlanta and Macon were tremendously successful,” Jerry Duke, PIA of Georgia executive director commented. “A combined total more than 600 students participated in this year’s events.”

Duke congratulated Carolyn Beierla, education coordinator, for her excellent job in arranging such large and detailed programs.

Oxendine participated in conferment ceremonies for both the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and the Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR) programs conducted by William T. Hold, Ph.D.

Commencement celebrates 30th anniversary

The CIC Conferment was the 30th year the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research has awarded the Certified Insurance Counselor designation in Georgia.

“Set your goals high and establish a career path that will enable you to meet or exceed that goal,” Hold said during his luncheon address. “To assist you in your efforts, the National Alliance has developed designation programs that are designed for every aspect of the industry and offers each student courses designed to keep them abreast of the rapid changes in the insurance industry.”

Nancy C. Gates was honored as Georgia’s 2005 Outstanding Certified Insurance Service Representative during the awards program. Gates is employed by Sutter, McLellan & Gilbreath Inc. of Lawrenceville, Georgia. (see People & Places, page 36)

During PIA of Georgia’s expos in Atlanta and Macon, Jerry Hargrove presented: “Contracts, Hold Harmless/Indemnity, Additional Insureds and Other Stuff;” “Agents Legal & Ethical Responsibility Training;” and “Electronic Commerce: Traditional Forms, Traps and Solutions.”

Jerry M. Milton, presented, “Business Auto Policy Gaps and Insuring Liability Exposures of Contractors;” while David L. Cagle presented, “Condos: Shared Ownership, the Personal Lines-Commercial Lines Tie-In.”

Duke said PIA of Georgia is scheduling upcoming classes and CIC and CISR programs, which are described on page 10. Events information, including the 2006 Education Expo is available at www.piaga.com, or contact the office at (770) 921-7585 or (800) 233-4902.