IIA Oklahoma Urges Agents to Attend Capitol Event

April 18, 2005

Dan Ramsey, executive director of the Independent Insurance Agents of Oklahoma (www.iiaok.com) sent a message to agents encouraging them to attend IIAO Day at the Capitol on April 27.

Urging agents to become actively engaged in the legislative process, Ramsey said, “It is too critical to the future of your business and Oklahoma’s economic growth and development for you to stand on the sidelines. This session two of the most important bills in many years that could positively affect our industry are at stake–HB2046 and HB2047. These bills could bring dramatic reform to Oklahoma’s broken workers’ compensation system and a court system that was recently designated as a Judicial Hellhole. Both bills are still alive.”

Ramsey added, “legislators who have been unwilling to change these systems for many years,” need to hear from agents. “I am optimistic that we are on the brink of meaningful change in the workers’ compensation system, but am less certain about lawsuit reform,” Ramsey said. “IIAO Chairman Vaughn Graham issued a challenge to the legislature a few weeks ago that we would not consider that workers’ compensation reform has been passed unless the bill that is signed into law increases benefits to injured workers and brings a minimum of $100 million in annual premium savings to Oklahoma businesses. His challenge is being taken seriously by many who hold seats in the legislature and HB2046 will bring that reform. Unfortunately when HB2047 passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week many of the needed reforms were gutted from the bill.”

Calling for agents to come and help influence legislators, Ramsey said the group will “meet for breakfast at the Clarion Meridian Conference Center at 7:30 a.m. with a legislative briefing from 9 to 9:30 a.m. to help you carry our message to your legislators. At 9:30 we will load buses and head to the State Capitol to deliver our message and return at 11:30. If you just cannot come to the breakfast and briefing, please come to the State Capitol and help us call on legislators.”

The IIAO Day at the Capitol is being held in conjunction with Hypopanty. More information about the events can be found at to www.iiaokevents.com.