Five Steps to Creating a Small Commercial Producer Free Zone

September 6, 2004

• Make certain your commercial CSRs have the necessary license and skills to service small accounts without a producer. Run regular in-house classes on how and what to upsell or cross-sell.
• Populate the PFZ with existing business that falls under a predetermined commission or premium dollar threshold. Exclude VIP and overly complicated accounts. Require CSRs and producers to meet and discuss each account before it becomes permanently zoned.
• Add producer-generated new business to the PFZ following the acceptance of each account’s initial policy renewal. It’s the agent’s job to successfully renew the policy for the first time and to introduce the insured to their new CSR/account manager.
• Adjust producer compensation to offset the loss of their smaller accounts to the zone and to encourage larger sales.
• Compensate your CSRs for their added responsibilities through a bonus pool or other acceptable method.