The System of Fours – The Four Key Questions for Each Value Building Component

July 5, 2004

• What is our per capita income and what can we do to increase it?
• What do our employees believe is possible and what do we need them to believe?
• What is our rate of qualified prospect development and what can we do to increase it?
• What do our producers believe is possible and what do we need them to believe?
• What is our hit ratio and what can we do to increase it?
• What do our producers believe is possible and what do we need them to believe?
• What is our average commission income per client and what can we do to increase it?
• What do our producers and staff believe is possible and what do we need them to believe?

• What are the problems common to our clients that we need to solve in order to add value to the transaction?
• What unique products or services do we provide? What should we provide?
• What exclusive products or services do we provide? What should we provide?
• Do we believe that we can continually create new products and services based on our client’s problems that will add value to the transaction?