Texas P/C and Lloyd’s Premium – 2002

January 26, 2004

The Texas Department of Insurance submitted its 128th Annual Report to the Texas Governor and Legislature in November 2003.

The information provided in the tables below are taken from that report. The first shows premium paid to the Texas property and casualty insurance industry for 2002 for various lines of insurance and provides a year-to-year comparison with 2001. The second table summarizes the premium and loss experience of Texas Lloyd’s companies in 2002.

As of Aug. 31, 2003 there were 1,160 property/casualty entities licensed in Texas. Insurers licensed by the department are required to submit premium and loss data to TDI on an annual basis.

The full annual report can be found on the department’s Web site at http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/commish/reports/annual01.html.