2003 Matt Wells Scholarship for Producer Development

April 21, 2003

Dallas / Fort Worth Area Producer Development School Scholarship

In partnership with Insurance Journal Magazine – Texas / South Central Edition, The National Alliance School for Producer Development will award one scholarship for a full tuition sponsorship to the Dallas/Fort Worth area School for Producer Development. This scholarship has been created to extend an opportunity to a deserving individual to help them better serve their employer, their clients and the insurance industry by sharpening their sales skills and expanding their knowledge of insurance products and markets

The School for Producer Development is an intensive three-week series of insurance fundamentals courses and interactive sales training sessions. The Dallas/Fort Worth area school is scheduled for September 21 to October 10, 2003, at the American Airlines Training & Conference Center Hotel in Fort Worth. The tuition sponsorship covers material and instruction, pre/post course work and follow-up, dinner each Wednesday night, and lunch each class day. The tuition is a $3,800 value.

All travel, lodging, meals (other than Wednesday night group dinners and weekday lunches) and all other associated expenses, which may be substantial, will be the sole responsibility of the scholarship award recipient. Expenses other than the basic Producer School tuition will NOT be covered by this scholarship.

Detailed information about the School for Producer Development is available at www.scic.com/NCIM/prodschool/producerframe.htm.

Scholarship applicants should currently be in a sales or sales-oriented position at an insurance agency, insurance company or insurance-related business.

The president of Wells Publishing will make the scholarship selection. The award recipient is subject to the final approval of
The National Alliance. If the initially designated recipient is unable to attend, an alternate scholarship recipient selection will be made.

To apply for the scholarship, please complete the application form—available at www.insurancejournal.com/scholarship/
application.htm—and mail, fax or e-mail to the attention of Mitch Dunford, executive vice president, Wells Publishing. Questions & comments may be e-mailed to scholarships@insurancejournal.com.

Applications must be received by June 20, 2003. The scholarship winner will be selected and notified by mid-July, and an announcement will be made in Insurance Journal Magazine and Insurance Journal Online.