The Call of the Conference: Users Conferences Plugged In

March 10, 2003 by

Even with the dominance of the Internet, and the trend toward doing almost everything online from a remote location, something phenomenal is happening. Insurance agents are flocking to users conferences in droves—setting record attendance—and making the time for one-on-one interaction. Why?

First and foremost, because they want to keep their businesses going. Agents know that automation is at the heart of business and innovation today. And that how they use their systems—and getting the most use out of their system—is the key to maintaining profitability. If you can’t hire additional staff, you have to help your existing staff become more productive.

It’s important to note that 10 years ago this whole business of agency automation was relegated to “someone else” in the office to take care of. Today, technology has to be embraced from the top-down. Yet, a typical agent doesn’t want to have to learn to become a technical expert to get more out of his or her system. They want someone to net it down for them. To talk to other agents and hear what they’ve done. And to take classes from and with people who understand their business and can give them some concrete steps toward true agency efficiencies. So, they make a three- or four-day investment and they head to a national conference, where they can get it all.

Maybe it’s because independent agents like people. Or maybe it’s because we’re not known for being all that shy. But, something rather remarkable happens at these conferences. People really help each other. Oh, this is something more than networking—although a lot of that goes on, too. This is more a sense of teamwork. A time when competitors among the independent agent systems somehow become one independent agency system TEAM that works together for the betterment of everyone involved. Everyone’s willing to lend a hand. To help someone with a question. To solve a problem.

And although numerous vendors provide outstanding product support, no one can solve a problem like someone who’s out in the trenches. Who’s used a system or a product in the field? That’s where the most valuable information comes—from users helping users.

But these conferences aren’t just about specific systems and computers. Today, courses have been expanded to include everything an owner or a manager needs to run his or her business more efficiently. Classes ranging from mergers and acquisitions to retaining great employees round out the offering. In short, national conferences have become the one-stop shop for a comprehensive agency education.

This venue—these action-packed, no-nonsense conferences—are definitely getting attention. More and more vendors have recognized the power of these conferences—and the agents who attend them. So, they’re exhibiting, sponsoring events, and showcasing their newest technology here first. This not only is a good marketing move on the vendors’ part, but it provides another great opportunity for agents. They don’t have to take more time away from the office to find out what’s new.

Complete agency education. A first-hand look at all the latest products. The opportunity to network and learn from other agents from around the nation. And the opportunity to do it all in just a matter of days. For a small time and dollar investment, agents get the education they need to run a competitive business, and have fun doing it.

Is it any wonder that Users’ Group National Conferences are being attended in record numbers?

Pam Parry is president of the AMS Users’ Group.