XDimensional Rolls Out New Agency Management Software

June 24, 2002

“It is a complete agency management system,” said Craig Fuher, of XDimensional Technologies latest agency automation solution Nexsure, a Web-based program based on the Microsoft technology platform.

The software, designed specifically for independent agents to help better manage their agencies, boasts a myriad of features, including:

• underwriting information
• policy servicing and management
• policy analyzing
• transaction processing
• eCRM capabilities and search mechanisms
• advanced forms engine support for ACORD forms and more.

“One of the primary things that benefits the independent agent is they can have access to their agency management system from anywhere at any time,” said Fuher, CEO of XDimensional. “[It] makes it very conducive to having multiple locations, so if an independent agency has multiple offices, there’s a tremendous cost savings and reduction in the technological burden associated with doing the things necessary to keep two offices in sync.”

Fuher pointed out the advantage agents have in extending their services out to clients—the 24/7 Web capability allows for clients to perform self-servicing functions and account services in a round-the-clock environment.

“[It offers] customer relationship management, based on the ACORD standard, emits and consumes XML, so it’s built in a way that lends itself to the new way of agents doing submissions through carriers via XML. It also manages all the transaction process an agency has.”

The software is entirely Web-based, and hosted by Application Service Provide Network (ASPN), XDimensional’s own state-of-the-art data center.

The program is available for an up front initial subscription fee per-user, which includes all of the data conversion elements, training, and implementation. After the initial fee, the software will be available for a monthly per-user charge.

Fuher explained the development of the software was based on the need for agency management software in today’s competitive environment.

“Throughout the years we’ve focused primarily on system integration, working with the other agency management vendors. In September of 2000, it became clear that nobody was making any tremendous strides at developing an agency management system that was completely based on new technology and built for the Internet and the new way that independent agents would do business. So we decided to launch that initiative about mid-September of 2000 and build an agency management system that was built on the most current technology available.”

Security is sure to be a big issue for agents and brokers who are protecting company and client data and confidentiality, and XDimensional kept those concerns in mind throughout the development. “Because the agents are relying on us to secure their data, we’ve not spared any expense from a security standpoint,” said Fuher. “Our technical infrastructure—the actual hardware component in our data center—first of all, we own our own data center [ASPN], we do not subcontract that out. From a hardware standpoint, we’ve employed the most modern Internet security equipment from CISCO. Taking that a step further, we’ve created multiple layers of security, within the network itself and within the software itself.”

XDimensional recently announced a new partnership with Microsoft, Corp. as a Microsoft Certified Partner—an achievement Fuher is proud of.

“Microsoft has stepped in behind us in a big way. [They have] actually named XDimensional as their partner… specifically because they were very impressed with the way the software was developed and the speed in which it was developed utilizing the Microsoft tool set. It is built for the new Microsoft .net initiative.”

“We firmly believe that the customer relationship management component, not just what the agency uses, but the ability to extend that out to the insurers from a self- servicing standpoint is completely unique,” said Fuher. “We also believe that the way that we manage the policy life cycle is different and much more modern and a lot more conducive to the way agencies do business today. So the policy life-cycle management that takes place at Nexsure is, in our opinion, unlike anything the industry has seen.”

To comment on this story, please e-mail cbeisiegel@insurancejournal.com.