Fireman’s Fund Unveils New Software for Middle-Market Business

April 15, 2002

Fireman’s Fund Insurance has developed a new software program, designed specifically to help agents better serve their customers. The software, iCustomer Series, is targeted at middle market businesses concentrated in six specific industries: leisure (including restaurant, hotels and country clubs), manufacturing, real estate, services, wholesale operations, and retail stores. Set to debut consecutively over Fireman’s Fund’s five Commercial Business regions in the coming months, the software consists of six CD-ROM’s designed specifically for the industry that they serve, as well as a business solutions CD to aid the producer in introducing and assisting this new state-of-the-art technology to their customers.

The software consists of unique tools and services providing interactive information and industry training in the many areas encompassing the insurance industry.

The CD’s offer three key areas that provide further links to information: claims, loss prevention, and solutions. “All of the subtopics that are under those general categories are all the exact by-products of what customers specifically asked us for. They asked us for easier on-line claims support. They asked us for an easier way to actually file claims,” said Joe Beneducci, senior vice president, Commercial Insurance, Fireman’s Fund.

The subtopics, including claim kits and slip and fall checklists, liability, all provide links to exclusive extranet sites. “It’s really a huge offering of information, all based on what the customer says they would like,” according to Tom Alteri, director of product development.

Among the offerings through the extranet sites are web-based training programs such as “Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls, designed to assist customers in reducing claims resulting from this major cause of loss. Other features include a library of loss prevention materials and common insurance forms that customers may order at no additional cost. “You need not fill out a single form on paper anymore by using this service. Everything can be done from a PC, allowing you to record everything you send to us and perform the paperwork effortlessly,” stated John Kozero, public relations director.

The CD-ROM’s also feature information and articles regarding current, important issues that face each specific industry. The links to the extranet sites bring the customer to a section allowing them to connect with others in their industry that are also insured by Fireman’s Fund.

While many customers will find this new software deliverable in terms of easing the insurance process, Kozero warned that it is not for everyone. “One of the parameters we put on the customers are that they have a maximum of $250,000 in premiums. We don’t want to spread this into the very large risks, at least until we fully service the customers we’re targeting now.”

These customers are defined by a desire to be served by a carrier who understands their line of business thoroughly, and are also willing to pay for the best in what their insurance company can deliver, and what will best benefit them. “We’ve got some extensive opportunity beyond middle market as our initiative begins to progress,” added Alteri.

The need for the software developed after extensive research conducted by Fireman’s Fund in efforts to better serve their quality-driven customers. Focus groups were conducted nationwide consisting of customers and agents to find out what services would help make the insurance process more bearable. “We found that customers simply don’t like insurance,” said Beneducci. “Having heard that from customers over and over again, what they really wanted was a greater level of simplicity and ease from the insurance process.

The finished product will benefit both agents and their customers.

“As the agents go, just having these available for the customers gives the agents a unique advantage not only in marketing but also in servicing their customers,” said Alteri. “This offering, as much as it focuses on end deliverables for customers, re-positions the agent and differentiates them in the eyes of the customer and helps make them more effective,” added Beneducci.

“The small to medium-size businesses, for the most part, until now, has been a very undefined part of American business. Many insurance agents want to develop a foothold in that area of business, but it’s not easy to do so without an insurer’s assistance. It breaks down a grouping of industries out of all the industries that are possible within the small to medium-size line and makes it more understandable, more governable,” Kozero said.

Another exciting feature of the iCustomer Series will be the opportunity for customers to obtain discounts through specific on-line vendors through the extranet sites. The first of these services to be offered will be through EVault, a national provider of on-line data back-up services. According to a U.S. Bureau of Labor report, 93 percent of companies that suffer a significant data loss are defunct five years after the event.

“One of the very common problems that small and medium-sized businesses have is backing up their business data in a way that is cost efficient and fully effective to their needs. Now one way of protecting the information is to subscribe to a vendor like EVault. They arrange specific hours where they will download the essential information for that day, and back it up, so that should the unforeseen accident occur, they’ll be able to provide the type of service you’ll need,” said Kozero.

The discount is the first to be offered through the iCustomer Series, with other vendors connecting in the future, allowing them to work with Fireman’s Fund to reach this class of customer.

“I think what we’ve done here is truly something revolutionary, and something we’re very excited about, because it really does put our customers in the drivers seat. It really better positions them in the marketplace in a very simple, technology friendly way, focusing specifically on what customers have asked for. It’s a very unique opportunity,” Beneducci said.