Fixin’ Citizens

October 17, 2011

As Michael Adams reports, Florida lawmakers are considering the future of the state’s largest homeowners’ insurer, Citizens Property Insurance Corp. It’s supposed to be the insurer of last resort but it’s become the first and only choice for many, given its low pricing and coverage options.

The challenge is to restore Citizens to being a secondary market. There are no any easy answers- or politicians would have already adopted them if there were.

Insurance readers have lots of complaints about Citizens and politicians but they also have few solutions.

One reader wrote:

Then another recommended this:

And a third suggested this as a fix:

Those are just a few. We suspect there are a lot more suggestions out there. And we’d like to hear them from you. On Wednesday, Oct. 26 will post a question asking you what you think should be done to fix Citizens and the Florida property insurance market. On that day, go online at and give us your solutions. We’ll report them here and online. Maybe somebody has something that hasn’t already been suggested. Are there 10, 50 or even 101 good ideas out there on what to do about Citizens? Let’s find out.