New Year’s resolutions

January 2, 2006 by

Happy New Year. As tradition has it, the start of the new year is a popular time to make resolutions to be better. And for 2006, the Insurance Journal staff has vowed to do just that. If you peer past the first few pages of this issue, you’ll notice the magazine has a new look because we’re resolved to better help you, our time-starved readers.

Our new look is a makeover but one that’s intentionally not so extreme. Because for 84 years, we know our readers having been turning to Insurance Journal as a trusted source for news and trends in the industry. That has and will not change.

However, we wanted to make your relationship with our magazine more efficient and enjoyable. While the Insurance Journal of the past might have looked good, we hope you’ll agree the new design makes the magazine look sharper, while allowing us to help you be better in your jobs. Thanks to our talented design team, we think the redesigned magazine makes articles easier to read and allows us to pack each issue with more information essential to your businesses.

In the opening section of the magazine, now called Primary Coverage, we will continue to provide broad news analysis. We know that property/casualty insurance tends to be a regional business, so Primary Coverage will feature content specific to the part of the country in which your company is located, as well as coverage of the national and international events that have broad-reaching business implications.

The insurance business is built on relationships, so in the Primary Coverage section, we also will highlight industry staffing and company changes, and new market information as quickly as we discover them.

Following Primary Coverage, you will see the heart of the magazine, Market Features. This month, we’re featuring a special report on the construction market, an issue we’ve examined up-close. I’ve also added other feature articles you should find interesting everything including an exclusive interview with the nation’s youngest insurance commissioner, how to market your products to Baby Boomers, and a study showing people who live near restaurants face higher risk than people who live near churches.

Then, to provide a little more perspective on the news affecting the insurance industry, our magazine will feature an Idea Exchange toward the back of the magazine. This section will allow the voices of the industry to be heard, and will provide room for your peers to share their tips and best practices.

I know New Year’s resolutions are often broken after a few months, but we are solidly committed to making your experience with our magazine more enjoyable and informative year after year. Please let me know what you think of our new look. I welcome any thoughts you have on how Insurance Journal can be better. I can be reached at

Happy New Year,