Open Minds, Better Business

September 5, 2005 by

I recently had the pleasure of attending a day-long conference sponsored by the Insurance Information Network of California, aptly named “Fusion.” The conference, held in Los Angeles, focused on target marketing to the different ethnic and social groups in California, and in the rest of the United States.

To celebrate the diversity within our industry (as well as to open up a couple of marketing ideas for you!), I have created a series of articles to run over the next few issues of Insurance Journal that highlight and focus on target marketing to different segments of the population. Our first story highlights the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender population (GLBT).

Why should you target these emerging markets? The answer is simple. You can increase your bottom line simply by directing your marketing efforts towards these untapped markets. Not only will you increase your sales, but you will also develop a new client base that will lead to a broader understanding of our socially and culturally diverse world. Who knew insurance could be so interesting?

I encourage you to take the time to read more about the GLBT marketplace. As you will see with this vibrant, fun and culturally diverse community, the key doing business with the GLBTs is R-E-S-P-E-C-T. GLBTs are willing to spend more on a product or service if they know that the company is GLBT-friendly and they are not afraid to say so!

For more information on how to market to the GLBT community, visit and Both sites offer a wealth of information on how to include the GLBT population in your marketing efforts.

In other news, I’d like to introduce a new staff member to the IJ editorial team, Patricia Tom. Patricia has come on as Managing Editor and together we will share responsibilities in the Western region. You’ll get to know Patricia more over the next couple of issues as she eases into her new position. Welcome, Patricia!

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments; please e-mail me at