Make Your Vote Count!

October 25, 2004 by

Unbelievable. Election Day is almost here. By the time you receive your next issue of Insurance Journal West, the votes will have been tallied (provided none of our voting procedures fail!) and the presidency will have been decided. Incumbent George W. Bush may see another four years in office as President of the United States, or Massachusetts Senator John Kerry will take the reins in 2005 as the 44th President.

For me, it will be a personal relief for the election to have been decided as the past year has been filled with endless debating between friends, family, and as we draw closer to Election Day, complete strangers. The controversy surrounding the upcoming election has become one of the most divisive debates I’ve witnessed. Not surprisingly, a recent Gallup poll showed a one point differential for voter support between Bush and Kerry—with Kerry on top. It’s no doubt going to be an extremely close race.

However, the next four years are going to be crucial to our nation’s continuing development and international relations, therefore, it is vital that we are led by the most qualified and effective leader possible. We have already experienced Bush’s rule—but can Kerry do any better?

There’s a lot at stake here—the nation’s economy, the war in Iraq, international relations… For the insurance industry, the hot topics include tort reform, the TRIA extension, med-mal reform, and of course the economy in general. Will the Kerry-Edwards ticket prevent the industry from obtaining much needed tort litigation reform? Or will Bush and Vice President Cheney continue to have a detrimental effect on the economy? Instead of getting on my own soapbox, I’ll let you decide for yourself who will be the best candidate.

Republican or Democrat, Green Party or Libertarian, this is probably one of the most controversial elections all of us will experience in our lifetime. Regardless of your political affiliation, please don’t forget to take an extra half-hour out of your day Tuesday, Nov. 2, to get out there and vote. It’s your civic duty!