Industry Has Not Forgotten

September 22, 2003 by

Now that the two-year anniversary passed us earlier this month, it would be very easy for all of us to go about our business and put in the background the impact of Sept. 11, 2001.

Not only did the events of that day impact the entire world, but it also had a huge affect on the insurance industry. Marsh, Aon and a number of other companies not only lost offices that day in New York City, they also lost co-workers and more importantly, friends.

To their credit, Aon, Marsh and other companies have not forgotten those left behind.

At Aon, more than 150 children of Aon employees who lost their lives on 9/11 will have help towards their educational goals as a result of the Aon Memorial Education Fund. The fund guarantees that the children of the 176 employees who perished will be able to achieve their goals of post-secondary education, along with assisting the educational requirements of children who have special needs.

According to Aon (, the fund to date has obtained more than $3 million in contributions from Aon employees, clients and business partners. The fund has aided in sending 30 students to college—three graduated this past spring.

To make a donation to the fund, call (877) 542-3301 or (312) 381-3559 or mail a contribution to: Aon Memorial Education Fund, c/o Harris Bank, 36133 Treasury Center, Chicago, Ill., 60694-6100.

Marsh, which lost 295 members of its family, has also been there for the employees and families of those left behind, offering a message board on its Web site to allow people to comment on how 9/11 impacted them and posting a memorial on the site as well. The names of all those who perished are listed on the site at

In the aftermath of 9/11, the company initiated a number of benefits and services, including: a family relationship management program, psychological and emotional counseling, enhanced benefits, financial assistance and counseling, family advocacy and remembrances.

Marsh also dedicated a permanent memorial to its lost colleagues. Designed by Richard Fleischner, it consists of a separated pair of bronze monoliths revealing a bronze screen. Between the monoliths and in front of the screen stands a translucent glass dedicatory wall. The signature of each of Marsh’ lost colleagues is etched in relationship to his or her name.

A number of other industry-related companies that were impacted by 9/11 have also reached out to the public.

However you choose to honor or help those affected by 9/11, know that they are not forgotten.