What a Year It Was

December 16, 2002 by

In the aftermath of 9/11, some folks in the industry weren’t quite sure what to think about 2002 and what it would bring.

A worsening of the hard market, businesses consolidating, companies exiting certain lines of business, elections that would change the political landscape of the industry, a terrorism act, and even a few scandals thrown in for good measure. Yes, 2002 was quite a year, and 2003 will likely no doubt bring even more news.

As we ring out the old and ring in the new, we at the Insurance Journal have a plate full of issues to cover in 2003. The financial impact of asbestos, a worsening medical malpractice sector that is reaching crisis proportions in a number of states, more company mergers, major questions in workers’ compensation, especially in the California market, homeowners and auto, and everyone asking just when the hard market will recede to name just a few.

We will discuss more in coming issues about IJ’s direction and the plans we have for 2003. We have a Web site averaging 7 million hits a month, some new features for the print magazine, and much more. Our ability to expand and grow is in large part thanks to our readers’ support and feedback.

As for our final issue of this year, international editor Charles Boyle takes a look at companies that made major news in 2002 and their impact on the industry. We also look at some of the year’s individual newsmakers and how they will be remembered in 2002, as well as in the years to come. You will also find insight from P.J. Crowley of the Insurance Information Institute, and what he thinks will be the major issues to contend with as we turn the calendar on another year. Finally, we serve up our last directory of 2002, the program directory.

For those of us that cover this industry, it is both an exciting and very busy time to be involved. While we have many sources to turn to, our greatest source is our readers.

Whether it is a five minute conversation at a conference, a phone call, a letter to the editor, or just a simple e-mail, we appreciate all the feedback and ideas that are presented to us. Our number one goal is to provide independent agents and brokers with the latest and most beneficial news so they have as much information as they need to go forward in their daily lives.

As much contact as we have with captains of the industry, hearing from our readers is just as, if not more, valuable. After all, our readers are out there in the field, day to day. Drop us a line and let us know what issues we might be missing, whether from a local perspective or on the national scene.

Again, thank you for your trust in us to be your number one source for industry news, and keep that feedback coming.