
January 23, 2023

“This is an important change, inspired by the families of the 34 precious lives lost on the Conception in 2019, that will ensure families of future maritime disasters do not face the same antiquated laws when seeking the support they deserve.”

— U.S. Rep Salud Carbajal was behind the push to change maritime liability rules for accident victims and their families in response to a 2019 boat fire off the coast of Southern California that killed 34 people.

“As the severity of hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires has increased, the negative impacts on customers, shareholders and society have also grown. To supplement our short-term remediation initiatives, we are making net zero emissions commitments that are tangible and reasonable.”

— Said Tom Wilson, Allstate’s chair, president and CEO, in a statement released by the company. Allstate plans to accomplish its 2030 net zero goals by reducing the emissions and square footage of its offices, purchasing renewable energy where possible, working to reduce emissions of suppliers, and removing the impact of remaining real estate through the limited purchase of credible carbon offsets where available.

“We find that drivers are more aggressive. They’re in a hurry to get where they’re going. They’re only thinking of themselves, and not others on the road.”

— Lauren Stewart, director of the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety, comments on the high number of highway fatalities the state experienced last year. The unofficial number of highway deaths stood at 177 at the end of 2022, making it the worst year since 2007, when 183 people died.

“The berm did tremendous. … It really did do its job. … It does stink that it only lasted a couple of months, but that was what it was designed for.”

— Stephen Hammond, a coastal environmental project manager for Florida’s St. Johns County, comments on the success of an “emergency berm” built under a FEMA Dune Enhancement Project aimed at defending the shoreline on a temporary basis. While it was only designed to handle common problems like the bad weather that engineers label a “five-year storm,” Hammond said the work prevented a lot of beach losses by absorbing eroding waves from both Ian and Nicole.

“At the very least, the company owes consumers the truth about the age-appropriateness of its content and the insecurity of the data it collects on users.”

— Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita said in a news release after filing suit against TikTok, claiming the video-sharing platform misleads its users, particularly children, about the level of inappropriate content and security of consumer information. The Indiana Office of Technology blocked the Chinese-owned social media app from state devices on the same day Rokita filed his complaint.

“We extend our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the pilot and passengers on board the aircraft.”

— Read a statement from Rotorcraft Leasing Company, Walter Oil & Gas Corp. and Island Operating Co., after the bodies of all four people who were aboard a helicopter that crashed into the Gulf of Mexico while departing an oil platform were recovered in early January. The companies said they would “continue to cooperate fully with the agencies investigating this tragic incident including the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.”