
March 4, 2019

Medical Cannabis

“There is incredible medicinal value associated with cannabis.”

— Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, on supporting the legalization of medical marijuana in the state. After losing a nephew to a hard battle with cancer, Bevin said he would sign a bill to a make marijuana legal in Kentucky for medical purposes, depending on how the legislation was written.

First Responders

“House Bill 1521 is an important step toward ensuring that our hero first responders are not denied the medical treatment they have earned through their service under Texas law.”

— Rep. Oscar Longoria, one of the co-authors of legislation (HB 1521) filed in the Texas House of Representatives that would penalize insurers that illegally deny Texas first responders’ access to medical treatment for line-of-duty injuries covered under state workers’ compensation laws.

Cease and Deist

“This company and its owners misrepresented their ability to pay medical claims, putting employers and their employees in immediate danger.”

— Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and the California Department of Insurance issued a Cease and Desist Order to NexGen Insurance Services Inc., Riverstone Capital LLC and its owner/operators for reportedly operating as an unauthorized Multiple Employer Welfare Association, an arrangement that offers or provides health and welfare benefits to employers and their employees.

Worried Doctors

“Doctors are worried that if they would say this, they would risk losing their federal license and also their malpractice insurance.”

— North Dakota state Rep. Matthew Ruby, R-Minot, comments after the N.D. House voted 90-3 in favor of removing a requirement in state law that health professionals who certify a patient attest that medical marijuana will help that person. The North Dakota Medical Association said doctors were uncomfortable with the requirement because research on the efficacy of medical marijuana is lacking.