
July 16, 2018

Aftermarket Parts

“By passing extremely narrow interest legislation to ban the use of aftermarket parts, the General Assembly has unfortunately voted to raise auto repair costs for Rhode Island drivers who, as a result, could end up paying the highest auto insurance premiums in the U.S.”

— Frank O’Brien, vice president of state government relations for the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI), comments on passage by the Rhode Island General Assembly of H-8013/S-2679, which PCI said effectively bans the use of aftermarket parts in the repair of vehicles. Under the legislation, insurance companies cannot mandate the use of aftermarket parts without the owner’s consent on motor vehicles less than 48 months beyond the manufacture date.

Delivery Delays

“Deliveries we used to get in one day are now taking three or four.”

— Nathan Johnson, senior logistics administrator for Dakota Gasification Co., says delivery times to its Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, North Dakota, have doubled or tripled since the Federal Motor Carrier Association began requiring the electronic logging devices for commercial drivers this year. Johnson says the delays slow the plant’s operations.

Jones v. Insurers

“Unfortunately, the insurance industry has chosen yet again to prioritize its insatiable appetite for profit over its own policyholders’ who have and continue to suffer after losing everything in the devastating wildfires.”

— California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones was irked that the insurance industry has worked to alter legislation he supports that is aimed at strengthening consumer protections for wildfire survivors.

Peace of Mind

“We do have a peace of mind with the rains coming and if any floods come. … Our levee might get tested but we hope that it never, ever does get tested.”

David Bush of Richmond, Texas, says he decided to build his own levee to protect his property after his home was flooded when Hurricane Harvey dumped 20 inches of rain in the area last year. He rebuilt his home but found the cost of raising the house too high, so he built a levee around it instead.

Strict Opioid Policy

“Tennessee will have one of the most strict and aggressive opioid policies in the nation.”

— Tennessee Gov. Phil Haslam comments on the state’s TN Together plan to curb the state’s opioid epidemic. The new laws, which took effect July 1, include limiting initial opioid prescriptions to a three-day supply, with exceptions for major surgical procedures, cancer and hospice treatment, sickle cell disease and treatment in certain licensed facilities.