Worker’s Comp Fraud
“Thranow cheated both his workers’ compensation insurer and the state of California out of nearly $100,000, and by doing so passed the cost of his fraud onto consumers across the state.”
—California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones praised the conviction of Jeffrey Thranow, 59, owner of Costa Bella Builders, for his part in failing to report employees to his insurance carrier or to the Employment Development Department.
Sandy Fund
“Now that Sandy money is beginning to flow, all homeowners impacted by the storm should apply for this much-needed funding immediately.”
—Sandy aid under the New York State’s “NY Rising” housing reconstruction program. Sen Charles Schumer, D-N.,Y., said on October 18 that the program allocates federal funding to Sandy victims with “unmet needs.”
Florida Strong
“We’re in as strong as a position as we have ever been in.”
—Jack Nicholson, executive director of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, noting the fund has $10 billion in cash available after years of no storms.
Rampant Fraud
“Today’s filing of a federal lawsuit reaffirms what our industry has been saying for several years now — that insurance fraud is rampant in Minnesota.”
—Insurance Federation of Minnesota spokesman Mark Kulda commented on the filing of a federal lawsuit that accuses a diagnostic imaging company, Mobile Diagnostic Imaging Inc., its owner and 46 chiropractors of engaging in an elaborate kickback scheme aimed at defrauding Minnesota’s no-fault insurance system.
Political Commentary
“His rewrite of the ballot title does not adequately represent the meaning and purpose of the constitutional amendment. … His rewrite is a political commentary on the use of the revenue source instead of an explanation of the ballot measure, something prohibited by state law.”
—Oklahoma state Rep. Joe Dorman, a Democrat, criticized the rewrite of ballot language by Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt for a plan to issue $500 million in bonds to help school districts pay for safe-room shelters. Dorman said the new language focuses on the business franchise tax that would be used to fund the proposal, rather than placing safe rooms or storm shelters in schools.