
October 7, 2013


“This unfair consequence could devastate parts of Florida’s real estate market, stymie Florida’s economic recovery and diminish the state’s tax base.”

—Florida Gov. Rick Scott urging Florida Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio to support a delay in flood insurance rate increases.

Beware of Scammers

“Consumers and business owners should be cautious when receiving an unsolicited sales pitch related to the ACA.”

—Maine Gov. Paul R. LePage’s warning to the public about scams related to the federal health reform law, the Affordable Care Act. Officials say various schemes have been reported throughout the country as scam artists attempt to exploit confusion about the law.

Trend Setter

“Once again, California is the trendsetter in utilizing technology to meet a consumer need.”

—Mark Sektnan, president of the Association of California Insurance Companies, commending the California Public Utilities Commission for creating a new category called a “Transportation Network Company” that will cover businesses that allow customers to summon rides using apps from drivers who use their personal, non-commercial vehicles.

It Stands to Reason

“It just stands to reason that the more impediments, the more tests, the higher the costs we impose on people wanting to play this role, we’re going to scare away people who otherwise would do a good job.”

—David Riemer, senior fellow at the Community Advocates Public Policy Institute, a liberal group that focuses on reducing poverty. He commented on the fees imposed by the state of Wisconsin for training, background checks and exams on people who want to participate as “navigators” in the new federal health insurance marketplace.