
August 5, 2013

Agency-Carrier Relationship

“We can surmise that the firming market impacted the agency-carrier relationship over the past several years.”

—Rick Russell, CEO of Insurance Agents & Brokers (IA&B), a partnership of three agents’ associations serving Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware. IA&B’s new commercial lines survey of 457 professionals from member agencies found that its members’ overall satisfaction with commercial lines carriers has decreased slightly.

Tort Reform, or Not

“Now, because (Fallin) doesn’t like the way the Supreme Court has ruled, she’s throwing around the idea of a special session for tort reform.”

—Oklahoma state Rep. Scott Inman refers to the suggestion by Gov. Mary Fallin that she may call a special session to rework a civil lawsuit bill ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Inman said a special session “would be a waste of time and money,” and that tort reform could easily be addressed in the regular legislative session that begins in February 2014.

Dog Defense

“At least now we have the ability to go into a courtroom when we’re sued over a dog bite and have a defense, where there was no defense before.”

—Jeff Moore, director of the state Sheriff’s Association, on a new South Carolina law exempting the police from strict liability for dog bites.

Joining Forces

“Minnesota is joining forces with key states to help evaluate the impact of climate change on the insurance industry. … This survey will help us get a clearer picture of how insurers are addressing the risks and the best ways to adapt to our changing climate.”

—Minnesota Department of Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman discusses his state’s decision to join California, New York, Connecticut and Washington State in requiring insurers to respond to a Climate Risk Survey adopted in 2009 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

Cleaning The Air

“I can’t think of a worse way to hurt those who are lower income or middle income and to make no difference.”

—Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead sharply criticized a plan by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reduce regional haze, saying it did more to kill the coal industry than clear his state’s air.