Declarations – Midwest

June 17, 2013

Complex, Time Consuming

“Sometimes these cases can be complex and time consuming, but the division should always strive to act as quickly as possible to investigate bad actors and protect consumers”

—South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard has asked for a review of the way the state insurance regulators investigate consumer complaints against insurance companies. Media reports have stated that the Department of Labor and Regulation’s insurance division has not publicly disciplined Ability Insurance Co. despite having evidence that the company allegedly broke state laws when it wrongfully denied claims for some long-term care policyholders.

Client Defense

“The Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles is our client, and we will defend the lawsuit.”

—Shannon Kingery, spokeswoman for the Nebraska attorney general’s office, comments on a federal lawsuit against the Nebraska DMV and its director over the state’s denial of driver’s licenses for young immigrants who have gotten work permits and avoided deportation under an Obama administration policy.

Unconventional Thievery

“As technology in vehicles increases, and law enforcement continues to successfully put criminals behind bars, thieves are looking for new ways to target Michigan drivers.”

—Terri Miller, director of Michigan’s anti-auto theft program, Help Eliminate Auto Thefts (H.E.A.T.). H.E.A.T says unconventional auto theft-related crimes are on the rise in Michigan.

How and Why

“How did that happen? Why did that happen? That’s what our investigation is trying to find out.”

—National Transportation Safety Board member Robert Sumwalt said the investigation into the cause of a southeast Missouri cargo train crash that injured seven people and destroyed a highway overpass could take up to a year. Several rail cars also were derailed in the accident near Rockview, Mo., when a Union Pacific train hit the side of a Burlington Northern Santa Fe train at a rail intersection.