Declarations – East

June 17, 2013

Getting Drivers’ Licenses

“This bill is first and foremost about public safety.”

—Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy on House Bill 6495 that would allow immigrants residing in the state to obtain driver’s licenses regardless of their legal statuses. The governor signed the bill into law on June 6. He says the measure is about knowing who is driving on the roads and ensuring that those drivers are operating registered, insured vehicles. The bill is scheduled to go into effect in 2015.

Planning Ahead

“Protect your physical and financial well-being by planning ahead and knowing what to do if a disaster strikes.”

—Virginia Insurance Commissioner Jacqueline Cunningham on being prepared for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season that began on June 1. She advises homeowners to review their insurance policy carefully to clearly understand what it does and doesn’t cover and to contact their insurance agent or company if they have any questions.

Jersey Shore Is Back

“After all you’ve dealt with, after all you’ve been through, the Jersey Shore is back and it is open for business.”

—Pres. Barack Obama’s comment during his May 28 visit to New Jersey seaside towns to highlight the region’s post-Sandy recovery. He praised the response of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and declared that the state’s popular shore was back seven months after the devastating storm bore down on famed boardwalks and seaside towns.