Declarations – Southeast

June 17, 2013

Apology for Murder

“I am very sorry for everyone I let down.”

–Former Kentucky lawmaker Stephen Nunn, serving life in prison, apologizing to the family of his former fiance, Amanda Ross, whom he pleaded guilty to killing four years ago. Ross worked at the Kentucky Department of Insurance.

Llama InjuriesLlama Injuries

“The animals were very easy to deal with although they were startled and had been tossed around in that trailer. I’ve been with the department for 24 years and this is the first time I’ve ever dealt with llamas.”

–Charlotte County, Florida, Fire-Rescue spokeswoman Dee Hawkins-Garland after a pickup truck carrying a trailer with four llamas crashed on Interstate 95. One of the llamas was injured.

Ticket to Ride

“All through my career I was told it would be in your best interest not to write them. They hold your purse strings.”

–Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. William Griesbaum testifying that troopers were encouraged to go easy on state lawmakers because they set the budget for the highway patrol.