
May 20, 2013

Dispute Resolution

“This program represents another option consumers have to resolve disputes with their insurance companies.”

—N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance Commissioner Ken Kobylowski on the state’s Superstorm Sandy dispute-resolution program that began on May 1. New Jersey residents with still-unresolved non-flood insurance claims related to Sandy can have their cases mediated through the American Arbitration Association.

Immigrant Licenses

“It does encourage a way into the daylight for honest workers, for safer highways. And, in my view, it leverages some of the good guys to get better.”

—Republican Rep. Vic Gilliam said he supports a bill to enable immigrants living in Oregon without legal permission to get four-year driver’s licenses starting January 1, because it addresses the reality that there are thousands of immigrants living and working in the state without legal permission.

No Actual Knowledge

“TDI does not have actual knowledge of the existence of or details regarding any liability insurance coverage.”

—Texas Insurance Commissioner Eleanor Kitzman responds to questions about the amount of liability insurance carried by West Fertilizer Co. after its facility in West, Texas, exploded, killing 14 people and causing an estimated $100 million in property damage. The company’s liability policy reportedly has a limit of $1 million.

Drug Sales

“I can get a prescription that costs 37 cents a pill, but then I can sell it on the street for about $8 a pill.”

—Tennessee Sheriff’s Chief Inspector Wayne Goudy on prescription drug abuse in the state.

Would a Headstand Work?

“If there’s any way we can get to an agreement, I would stand on my head to do that at this point for the people in Missouri, as well as the doctors.”

—Missouri Sen. Dan Brown, R-Rolla, after negotiations that would reinstate Missouri’s cap on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits stalled in the Senate. The state Supreme Court ruled last year that a previous law limiting such damages to $350,000 violated the constitutional right to a jury trial.