Declarations – South Central

March 25, 2013

Unwavering Position

“My position on this has never wavered and I welcome every opportunity to try to overturn Obamacare.”

—Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak sent a letter to Deputy Administrator and Director Gary Cohen of the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) stating the Oklahoma Insurance Department will not participate in a collaborative effort to enforce the Affordable Care Act. The letter said the department does not have the authority to enforce federal law.

Hard to Defend

“I think you all don’t realize the degree to which you are pushing some of us who have been the industry’s friends for a long time. It’s increasingly difficult to continue defending the industry. One of the ways you all can prove your willingness to be a bit adaptable is to try to help us come to a solution for this.”

—Texas State Sen. John Carona, at a legislative committee meeting on proposed windstorm insurance legislation.

To Be Honest

“I could not honestly sign the letter.”

—Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon faced criticism from state lawmakers after he gave across-the-board 4 percent merit raises to classified employees in the Department of Insurance. Donelon said he couldn’t sign a civil service form attesting that the agency didn’t have enough money. The department is self-financed and brought in more money than expected this year from licensing fees and other revenue sources.

Restricting Gun Sales

“Wilson Combat will in no way support the government of these states or their anti-gun agenda that only limits the rights of law-abiding citizens.”

—Ryan Wilson, vice president of Arkansas-based maker of custom firearms, Wilson Combat. The company announced it will no longer sell its products to law-enforcement agencies in states that adopt strict laws on gun ownership. It will continue to supply products or services that are legally allowed to nongovernment-affiliated citizens in the no-sale states.