Declarations – West

March 11, 2013

Foul Ball

“There are lawyers who have said the ticket-stub disclaimer will be sufficient but I have my doubts. It’s not like you’re signing on the dotted line that you’ve read the ticket.”

—Loyola Law Sports Institute Director Daniel Lazaroff commenting on the Idaho Supreme Court’s decision not to impose the “Baseball Rule” of liability in a lawsuit brought by Bud Rountree, who lost an eye after being hit by a foul ball at a baseball game.

Credit Scoring

“SB 55 would protect discounts consumers receive on home and auto insurance because of their history of responsible credit use — discounts that insurers are forced by the current law to remove when a policy renews after two years.”

—Kenton Brine, Property Casualty Insurers Association of America assistant vice president, said a bill proposed in Alaska will clarify that discounts many insurers provide to consumers based on credit-based insurance scores can be applied not only for new policies, but also at renewal.

PG&E Safety

“We take these matters extremely seriously. Anytime we lose a member of the PG&E family, it’s a tragedy.”

—Pacific Gas and Electric Co. spokesman Joe Molica said the company is boosting the utility’s training on safety procedures after the deaths of three workers in three years.

Radioactive Leaks

“None of these tanks would be acceptable for use today. They are all beyond their design life. None of them should be in service.”

—Tom Carpenter of Hanford Challenge, a Hanford watchdog group, expressed concern about leaking materials at Hanford Nuclear Reservation’s six underground tanks holding a brew of radioactive and toxic waste.