Declarations – Southeast

November 19, 2012

Florida Foundation

“The very foundation of Florida’s independent judicial system was threatened in this election. I am grateful that Florida voters once again demonstrated their faith in our fair and impartial judicial system.”

—Justice R. Fred Lewis after he, Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince won their bids to stay on the state’s high court despite a Republican campaign against them.

Nuclear Premiums

“The ratepayers we contend really are on the hook for this because the premiums are paid with ratepayers’ money.”

—Jon Moyle, a lawyer for a Florida business group, arguing that Progress Energy should use property insurance payments for damages to its nuclear reactor to costs to ratepayers.

Horse Safety

“We’re all concerned about the health and welfare of the horse. Well, then, we ought to be concerned about the health of our employees as well.”

—David Switzer, Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association, on a plan by University of Kentucky to study workplace safety on the state’s horse farms.

Sandy Effect

“As insured losses expand, insurers’ catastrophe reinsurance protection will offset the significant direct losses.”

—Fitch Analyst Brian Schneider explaining that losses from Superstorm Sandy would not drive material rating changes for insurers.