Declarations – East
Embracing Social Media
“Facebook is a great way to get our message out to Maryland residents.”
—Maryland Insurance Commissioner Therese Goldsmith on utilizing social media. The Maryland Insurance Administration announced last month that the agency has set up a Facebook page to enhance communications with consumers.
Birth Control Coverage
“In only the past few years, we’ve experienced rampant disregard for religious beliefs in this country.”
—N.Y. Cardinal Timothy Dolan on what he views as insufficient religious exemptions from mandated contraception coverage in employers’ health insurance, as reported by The Associated Press. On June 21, Roman Catholic groups began a two-week campaign of prayer vigils to protest what they consider government attacks on religious liberty. The campaign ends on June 4.
9/11 and Cancer
“We recognize how personal the issue of cancer and all of the health conditions related to the World Trade Center tragedy are to 9/11 responders, survivors and their loved ones.”
—Dr. John Howard, director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, on ailments linked to the WTC dust exposure. In June, his agency added scores of common and rare cancers to the list of ailments covered by a $4.3 billion fund set up to compensate and treat people who were exposed to the WTC dust and smoke.