
February 6, 2012

Mission Impossible

“All signs are pointing to more unprofitable years ahead for the workers’ compensation insurance industry.”

—Standard & Poors Ratings Services in its report titled, “For The U.S. Property/Casualty Industry, Making Workers’ Compensation Profitable May Be Mission Impossible.”

Too Weak to Matter

“Even as it exists today, the individual mandate is weak and still presents problems because the penalty is so low. If you get rid of it, I don’t know that it makes all that much of a difference.”

—Aetna Chief Executive Mark Bertolini on the federal healthcare reform law.

PIP Division

“Some companies say get rid of PIP. But other companies are concerned about what will take its place.”

—Florida Insurance Council Vice President Sam Miller on the current state of Florida’s PIP law.


“I will be very disappointed if nothing happens with PIP that is not aggressive and comprehensive and gives the state’s drivers the rate decreases they deserve.”

—Florida Insurance Consumer Advocate Robin Westcott on PIP reform.