
January 24, 2011

Claims Chief

“I’m absolutely neutral. I’m not BP. I’m trying to run this facility as best I can.”

—Attorney Kenneth Feinberg, the man in charge of the Gulf Coast Clams Facility for the BP oil spill, meeting with oil spill victims in Mississippi.

Elderly Comp

“I am increasingly concerned that individuals with no intention of returning to work continue to receive these benefits. At the U.S. Postal Service, for example, 1,000 employees currently receiving federal workers’ compensation benefits are 80 years or older. Incredibly, 132 of these individuals are 90 and older and there are three who are 98.”

—U.S. Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, calling for a review of the Federal Employee Compensation Act program that she says is paying benefits to people who are well into retirement age.

Number One

“I’m going to be the number one lawyer. We’re going to fight as vigorously as you possibly can to ensure that Alabama is compensated for the catastrophe by the responsible parties — that’s for environmental impact, that’s for any damage done to our state by BP’s oil spill.”

—New Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange, saying he will hold nothing back to make sure the state and its citizens are compensated for all losses because of last year’s massive BP oil spill.