
September 7, 2009

None Over 40

“It is pretty obvious to me and my lawyers that persons over the age of 40 are not considered for entry-level positions.”

—Donald Dobkin, 56, of West Bloomfield, Mich. Dobkin has filed a lawsuit against the University of Iowa and its College of Law claiming he was the victim of age discrimination. He applied for a law professor position at the school in 2008 that called for experience in administrative, immigration, international and criminal law. Dobkin has more than 25 years experience. The lawsuit alleges that the College of Law has not hired a faculty member older than 40 in the past 10 years. Dobkin says he sees the practice as illegal and “a disservice to students who are being taught by professors, with some exceptions, that have never practiced law in the fields they are teaching.” University of Iowa and law school representatives declined to comment. AP