
April 20, 2009

Crist Free Market

“Isn’t it the free market approach? I’m a free market guy, but I think we need to keep our eye on insurance companies, property insurance companies specifically. They have a history of not being the kindest, warmest people, or industry, in Florida.”

—Florida Gov. Charlie Crist on whether the state should permit state-backed Citizens Property Insurance to raise rates 10 percent.

Ready in Kentucky

“I’m trying to exercise things we’ve not done before. Learn all the lessons ahead of time so that if we ever have to do it, it works well.”

—Brig. Gen. John Heltzel, the head of Kentucky’s Division of Emergency Management, who wants his teams to be prepared for the possibility of a disease outbreak or manmade emergencies so he is planning practice sessions involving a chemical spill, pandemic and terrorist attack.

Pirate Treasure

“Piracy has been an issue for some time and it has already lead to higher insurance premiums. Premiums are going to go up because the pirates are going to become a little more vicious and hold out for more money.”

—Paul Keane, a partner at Cichanowicz, Callan, Keane, Vengrow & Textor LLP, who specializes in maritime cases, after U.S. Navy sharpshooters rescued the captain of an American cargo ship who was being held hostage by pirates off the coast of Somalia.

Ransom Split

“There has been a lot of discussion in the market recently over the fact that there is no provision for splitting up the ransom between property and life. There are definitely going to be lawsuits coming out of this.”

—Attorney Michael Marks Cohen of the firm Nicoletti Hornig & Sweeney, predicting disputes among insurers over payments of ransom to pirates.

Drywall Dilemma

“I believe you’re going to see this is widespread. Anytime you have mounting evidence of potentially toxic goods, you have an obligation to act quickly to protect consumers.”

—U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D.-Fla., a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, who has requested a federal investigation into drywall imported from China that could be hazardous.