
January 27, 2008

Taking it Seriously

“In view of Allstate’s ongoing, blatant disregard of our subpoenas, I have little choice but to take an action that will send a clear message about how seriously I am taking this issue.”

—Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty after he suspended Allstate’s authority to write new business until the insurers complies with subpoenas about its homeowners rate filings


“We were surprised at the OIR’s actions…based on our dealings with them over the course of several months and dozens of phone conversations.”

—Allstate in a written response to Florida Insurance Commissioner McCarty’s suspension of the insurer’s authority to write new business.

Poor Judgment

“I guess it turns out that it was poor judgment, if what everybody says is true. Everything we were presented showed us the trust was operating soundly. … I think we’re better restaurateurs than we are insurance people.”

—Frank Grisanti, a Memphis restaurant owner and a trustee with a restaurant insurance fund run by the Tennessee Restaurant Association, which state officials say has been mismanaged to the amount of $4.8 million. Grisanti himself might have to pay $60,000 as his portion of the trust’s shortfall. About 500 restaurant owners bought insurance through the fund.

Mayor’s Plan

“There’s no possible way we could have gotten through that alone. No possible way. … I more than most realize how important it was to us to have federal help, federal backup. Look, it’s going to be there because of the kind of people we are. We might as well try to organize it in a sensible way.”

—Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani telling Florida voters that his experience as New York City’s mayor during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks is a big reason why he supports a national insurance fund.

Best System

“Is the regulatory system we have in place the best system that we can have?”

—North Carolina Senate Majority Leader Tony Rand, D-Cumberland, co-chairman of the Joint Study Committee on Automobile Insurance Modernization, who has filed bills to change how automobile insurance rates are determined. Insurance Commissioner Jim Long opposed the changes. One of Rand’s bills would have stripped the commissioner of his ability to set automobile insurance rates.