Top 10 tornado cities

February 12, 2007

The violent thunderstorms in Central Florida in early February, spawned powerful tornadoes that killed at least 20 people is a deadly reminder of the constant threat insurers face against tornado exposures. Tornado-related losses account for 24.5 percent of insured catastrophe losses in the U.S., says the Insurance Information Institute.

The following is a list of the top 10 most tornado prone metro cities in the U.S., according to Boston, Mass.-based CDS Business Mapping’s RiskMeter Online’s Tornado Model.

1. Aurora, Colo.

2. St. Petersburg, Fla.

3. Houston, Texas

4. Hollywood, Fla.

5. Sioux Falls, S.D.

6. Little Rock, Ark.

7. Dallas, Texas

8. Ames, Iowa

9. Oklahoma City, Okla.

10. Bloomington, Ill.