Citizens’ CEO Ricker resigns

October 9, 2006

Citizens Property Insurance Corp. announced the resignation of President and Executive Director Robert L. Ricker effective Nov. 1.

Ricker, who has headed Citizens for the past three years, tendered his voluntary resignation at a recent meeting of the Citizens board of governors.

Regarding his decision not to renew his contract, Ricker said, “I want to assure the board that I have not had any discussions with anyone about my post-citizens employment. I have not had any discussions and have not received offers of any kind. This is strictly a personal decision.”

Speaking on behalf of the board, Chairman Bruce Douglas accepted Ricker’s resignation with regret, and praised his tactical leadership and strategic vision, calling him “the right man in the right place at the right time.”

Ricker’s three-year contract is up at the end of October. He is Citizens’ first president and will remain as a consultant to Citizens through December.

Douglas credited Ricker for the dramatic turn-around in catastrophe claim response during the 2005 hurricane season, and for building a solid senior management team and overseeing the strengthening of Citizens claim-paying ability with $3.7 billion of financing this year.

Ricker recommended Scott R. Wallace, current senior vice president of operations, as his replacement. Citizens hired Wallace in January after a national search.

Under legislation enacted this year, the engagement of Citizens’ president/executive director is subject to confirmation when the Florida Senate next convenes.