Slavery Reparations Federal Cases to be Heard in Chicago Courtroom

September 25, 2006

Oral arguments in the landmark slavery reparations cases against corporations will take place on Sept. 27, 2006, 9:30 a.m., in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, at 219 South Dearborn St. in Chicago, Ill.

The cases were filed by plaintiffs around the United States in 2002, and consolidated in a Federal Court in Chicago, Illinois. Lead plaintiff in the case is Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, pioneer of the Corporate Restitution Move-ment, who first exposed Aetna Inc. in 2000 for its role in writing life insurance policies on the lives of slaves with slave-owners as the beneficiaries. Plaintiffs are demanding that a humanitarian trust fund be created rather than individual payments.

Various corporations are defendants including:

AetnaInc.,American International Group (AIG), Lloyd’s of London, New York Life Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Insurance Company, FleetBoston Finan-cial Corporation (Bank of America), AFSA Data Corpora-tion, Brown Brothers Harriman, JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank (Bank One), Lehman Brothers, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company, Brown and William-son, Liggett Group Inc., Loews Corporation (Lorrilard), Cana-dian National Railway, CSX Corporation, Norfolk Southern Corp., and Union Pacific Railroad.

Source: Restitition Study