Wash. Senate passes changes in unemployment insurance

March 6, 2006

Washington Senate Democrats have approved a bill that would permanently change unemployment laws to pay additional benefits to seasonal workers.

The measure, which passed on a 25-22 vote, reverses the state’s move toward “four-quarter averaging” in which unemployment benefits are calculated by determining a worker’s full 12-month salary. The two-quarter system to be made permanent under the bill gives seasonal workers — laborers who may only work for six months out of the year — full unemployment benefits.

“We want to make the system fair,” said Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, the bill’s primary sponsor.

The bill now goes to the House.

The state has extra money in its unemployment insurance fund since altering tax laws two years ago. But the bill infuriated Republicans, who said the Democrats recanted on a promise to produce a bipartisan compromise.

Sen. Linda Evans Parlette said the proposal was disappointing, opened the door for more taxes in the future, and threatened some small businesses. Parlette and Kohl-Welles worked together on a seven-month study on the issue.

“We were promised a bipartisan collaborative approach to this issue,” said Parlette, R-Wenatchee. “This is not a compromise bill. Negotiations have not even begun.”

Two Democrats, Mary Margaret Haugen, of Camano Island, and Tim Sheldon, of Potlatch, voted against the measure. Pam Roach, R-Auburn, crossed the aisle to vote in favor.

Under the two-quarter approach made permanent in the bill, a nurse who made $40,000 for 12 months of work would receive the same unemployment benefits as a construction worker who made $20,000 for his or her six months of work. The formula determines a person’s benefits based on the two most productive quarters of work, which, in the case of the nurse and construction worker, would both be $20,000.

Last session, Democrats passed a similar measure to temporarily implement the two-quarter system, just after the four-quarter average went into effect. That bill was to sunset in two years.

Republican lawmakers wanted to continue the state’s push to determine benefits based on a person’s entire year of work.

Seasonal benefits will help farmers, community college teachers and others who don’t have full-year occupations.

Parlette said the new refunds, would suck the trust fund dry in an economic downturn.

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