Five Essentials for a Successful Agency Web Site

September 7, 2009 by

Every insurance agency can benefit from having a Web site. Even if it’s not selling a product over the internet, establishing an online presence is more important than ever. Shopping trends have changed drastically over the past few years with the number of consumers researching and purchasing items online steadily growing. People surf the net for good information as well as a good deal. Many visitors simply won’t buy a product from a Web site that looks unprofessional. And since there are countless Web sites dedicated to almost any given topic, yours must stand out.

A flashy site is not always the best solution. Spending more money does not always guarantee better results. Local, independent agents should use the Web to establish themselves as trusted advisers, insurance experts, and ultimately, the best people from whom to buy insurance. Give consumers the information they’re looking for and they will make your site the last one they visit.

A great site alone won’t generate one phone call, or one piece of business, unless people can find it. There are two main ways to drive traffic to your site — offline and online. Offline tactics include putting your Web site on business cards, yellow page ads and all other marketing materials.

The vast majority of online traffic comes from online sources, however. So agency owners should be mindful of taking the necessary steps to optimize their sites for online shoppers, and you need to do it well.

But don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it sounds. Here are five tips that will help create a strong Web presence for any agency:

Building an effective agency Web site is not that different from building offline business. Look professional, provide expert information and build trust. Keep it simple when it comes to design, but over-deliver when it comes to content, and soon you will have a thriving virtual agency to complement your existing business.