6 Virginia’s new highway plan

February 5, 2006

Gov. Tim Keane explains why drivers will pay

6 N.J. looks back at claims-made

Court allows policy where insured declined retroactive rider

6 Welders forge Maryland liability victory

Pollution exclusion does not encompass welding rod liability

N1 Risk models show industry burden under TRIA

Asbestos litigation, catastrophe debate high on list as well

N1 D&O limits up but premiums down

Fiercest competition in excess layers, reports Tillinghast

N2 Most businesses suffer cyber losses

The FBI sheds light on how prevalent cyber losses are

N2 Lloyd’s disconnects troubled Kinnect technology

Estimated $123 million falls short of expectations

N2 U.S. answers terrorism liability questions

Monoline farm, professional liability, commercial auto rules clarified

31 Mass. storm warning: capital infusion sought

Big storm might swamp state’s economy given current surplus

31 Latest to leave Cape Cod

Vermont Mutual CEO Tierney on joining the coastal parade

32 Beacon Mutual Wins First Round

Beacon’s bill makes it through the state Senate

34 Finite re fills environmental gaps

Product got a bad rap but could help post-Katrina

N8 SPECIAL REPORT: Salary Survey

Who’s Worth What? Insurance Journal’s Exclusive 2005 Agency Salary Survey

N1 Special Report: Commercial Umbrella

What happens when the excess carrier goes under?

N14 Special Report: Commercial Umbrella

Question is not whether to buy umbrella but how much

N15 Closer Look: Motor Carrier Cargo

Caution: Motor truck cargo insurance not for rookies

N16 Closer Look: Motor Carrier Cargo

How courts are viewing motor carrier cargo disputes

N18 Spotlight: Farm & Ranch

Harvesting value: revaluation revolution comes to farm lines

N4 Minding Your Business

Agency value and price-what sellers can expect to put in their pocket

N6 Brokerage Watch by LMC Capital

2005 delivers mixed bag for property/casualty brokers

38 Closing quote

R.I. CEO Joseph Solomon: Beacon Mutual’s next chapter

4 Editor’s Note

8 People

33 New Markets

N6 Broker Watch

38 Closing Quote

22 Mass. storm warning

Homeowners market lacks surplus

N15 Cargo caution

Don’t write this line
without an expert behind the wheel